Join Council
Anyone interested in the Queen's York Rangers is invited to join the Regimental Council by completing this form. We will add you to our mailing list and keep you informed of upcoming events and noteworthy news items. Donations are not required but are always welcomed.
Volunteer Your Time
If you wish to be active in the work of the Regimental Council please volunteer to join a committee or help organize and run an event. To volunteer, drop a note to our Nominations Committee at .
Attend a Council Meeting
Any member of the Regimental Council may attend the quarterly Council meetings. Meeting dates are listed on our Events page.
Council Members who are actively participating in the running of the organization (called Councillors) have a right to vote at the Council meetings. Members who are not actively participating do not have voting privileges.
Call for Nominations
Our next Annual General Meeting is listed on the Events page. If you would be interested in becoming a Councillor the Nominating Committee would ideally like to hear from you 60 days before the AGM. Please consider volunteering by dropping them a note at . If you just can't wait please drop us a note now and let's see if we can find a role that matches your interests and our needs.
Check Our Event Page
For information about coming or past events, Council Members and friends of the Regiment are encouraged to check our Event page.