Fading Away? Not if we can help it!

What happens when a Ranger leaves the Regiment? It does happen you know and it’s generally called life. Yes, there IS a life outside the Regiment and sometimes it  gets in the way of even the most loyal Ranger: finishing school and moving on, moving out of town, getting a new job, a full time job or a more demanding role, getting married, starting a family, growing old, reaching the Compulsory Retirement Age …. Everyone eventually gets caught up in “life”.

In the case of Warrant Officers and Sergeants, they often joined the Ex-Sergeants’ Association to maintain a connection with their friends and comrades-in-arms in the WOs and Sgts Mess. Officers would often join the Officers Association to stay in touch with former mess mates as well.

For a long time the Junior Ranks did not have an association of their own, so a number of years ago the newly installed (but still here!!!) Honorary Colonel began the drive to create a Regimental Association.

The intent was that the new Association would be a welcoming place to gather, both virtually and physically, for ALL Rangers from ALL messes, including both serving and retired. Unfortunately, the Association failed.  

There is good news. All former members of the Regimental Association and ALL former Rangers are welcome to join the Regimental Council .  Council shares regular communications on activities including those with the larger Regimental Family. In addition, members are invited to attend parades and most Regimental events.

The Change of Command Parade on April 24 is one such event where everyone is welcome. More importantly, Council’s Regimental Family Committee will be there to encourage former Rangers to provide their name and email so they can be added to the Council mailing list. Really, who wouldn’t want to be invited several times a year to participate in Ranger events?

Better yet, the Regimental Family committee will be offering copies of the Regimental Pocket History to those who sign up for the mailing list. The Pocket History has been published by the Officers’ Association twice and the third edition is about to come off the presses. The former officers (before they fade away) who are members of the Officers’ Association has been distributing this book free of charge to all serving members of the Regiment, as well as the affiliated cadet corps, the band, re-enactment groups, and other components of the extended Regimental Family. In cooperation with Council the Pocket History has also be sent to key supporters of the Regiment.

So, before you totally fade away, please contact us!

If you are a former serving officer and you want to join the Officers’ Association please contact me.  If you are a former serving WO or Sgt, please contact Heather McDonnell.

ALL Rangers, past and present and regardless of rank, should contact Mark Lathem to add you to the Regimental Family mailing list. Email address for all is info@qyrang.ca 

See you at the Change of Command Parade on April 24.